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Spells For Beginners





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Spells For Beginners(圖1)-速報App

Beginners want their spells to work faster, so that they don’t lose hope and patience, and can start believing in their growing skills sooner. Hence spells that are instant result givers must be tried by beginners to see how things work when done in the right way. A great way to start therefore is to choose easy spells that would need simple arrangements and preparations, and show promising results fastest.

A spell to bring money soon

You can try this spell on yourself or on anyone else, and the targeted person will get money from any source soon. Money can come from unpredictable or unanticipated sources, but it would come. You must do this spell early in the morning before 7 am. Also, you must do this in white clothes and must use a white candle for this. Here are the steps:

• Mediate for a while in the morning to concentrate your positive energies and wave off any other thoughts or negativities off your mind.

• Wear a white cloth and light the white candle.

Spells For Beginners(圖2)-速報App

• Now visualize money coming to you. Feel as if you already have got money. And while doing this, chant “thou nokou money paan bolo”.

• Chant it for 150 times.

This spell works great when done with pure intentions and a positive feeling. You can repeat it every morning or often. And soon you will receive money from any source or way. Remember to bury the remains of the burnt candle wax in mud or garden soil, or a flower pot soil.

The wishing spell

This is an instant spell for beginners to make any wish come true. This must be done as directed with the right use of thoughts and positive energies for the spell to work soon and right. This spell can be used to find a job, crack an interview, find love, get a house, find a pet, or to fulfill any wish. Here is how you perform this:

Spells For Beginners(圖3)-速報App

• Meditate well to prepare your mind and body, calm down senses, gather positivity and wave off all negative thoughts and energies.

• Gather 5 candles and one special candle of your choice.

• Choose a full or new moon night, and light up the five candles except for the chosen sixth one.

• Wish for the moon to have a restful good night, and pray this for the moon. Repeat this with the candle arrangement for three nights.

• Then take rest and sleep tight. Let the prayer and positive energies work overnight.

Spells For Beginners(圖4)-速報App

• In the morning after you wake up mediate for half an hour and clear your mind of any negativity, and only think of the wish to come true.

In the third morning, you would feel light and happy inside, and positive vibes will reflect within you.

Spells for beginners can be practiced with these small and fruitful working spells, which do not require too much of arrangement. You just need to focus well and chant or pray with a positive mind for the spell to work.

Here is a Preview of What You'll Learn:

• What is a Magic Spell?

Spells For Beginners(圖5)-速報App

• How to Write Your Own Spell

• How to cast a spell?

• Mistakes to Avoid When You Are Doing The Spell

• Protection Spell For Beginners

• Success Spell For Beginners

Spells For Beginners(圖6)-速報App

• Beginner Money Spell

• Easy Beginner Wishing Spell

• Much, Much More Spells For Beginners

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Spells For Beginners(圖7)-速報App